Películas dramáticas de Huda Ramzy

Películas de Huda Ramzy filtradas por género

🎭 وفاء
Said and Nabil are friends. Said can't have children, and Dr. Nabil decides to help him by transplanting part of the brain of poor man Abdul Qawi to him, who suffers from severe fatigue after the ...
Gaber Abdel Ghaffar lives on stealing merchandise in Alexandria port, and one day he gets arrested and deported to the army to perform military service. He escapes from the army to Italy illegall ...
🎭 sanaa
Laila, the daughter of the rich man Fouad, meets Mamdouh, the ladies man, and falls in love with him. Mamdouh proposes to her but her father refuses, so Laila decides to take revenge by sending l ...
Kamal marries Dalal despite the rejection of his father, Omar Bey. Kamal dies in a tragic accident and his father kicks Dalal out and takes away her daughter. The years go by and she tries to ste ...