Películas de terror de Howard S. Miller

Películas de Howard S. Miller filtradas por género

🎭 Howard / Old Man Liar
Cincuenta desconocidos se despiertan encarcelados juntos dentro de una cámara misteriosa formando un círculo. En tiempo real, deben identificar a sus captores y decidir cuál de ellos merece so ...
🎭 Mr. Mole
In Los Angeles, a wealthy man, known as Mr. Fuller, discovers a shocking secret about the world he lives in. Fearing for his life, he leaves a desperate message for a friend of his in the most un ...
🎭 Lee Dixon
For 11 years, Beth's life is limited to working nights in a convenience store while her daytime hours are spent caring for her bed-ridden, bitter and abusive mother. All that keeps her going is a ...