Thrillers, películas de suspense de Howard S. Miller

Películas de Howard S. Miller filtradas por género

🎭 Howard / Old Man Liar
Cincuenta desconocidos se despiertan encarcelados juntos dentro de una cámara misteriosa formando un círculo. En tiempo real, deben identificar a sus captores y decidir cuál de ellos merece so ...
🎭 Lee Dixon
For 11 years, Beth's life is limited to working nights in a convenience store while her daytime hours are spent caring for her bed-ridden, bitter and abusive mother. All that keeps her going is a ...
🎭 Chauffeur
The nephew of a librarian must go collect a 200 year old book, "The Book of Ulthar." that should have never been checked out by the Evil Count Orlock cause one of the spells in it could bring abo ...