Películas dramáticas de Hossein Abolsedgh

Películas de Hossein Abolsedgh filtradas por género

🎭 Sound
Ahmad is a psychiatrist, believing in the treatment of the soul with the medicine in a positivistic and laboratorial way. But when his wife goes missing, he gets involved in his own delusions. Tr ...
🎭 Sound Mixer
A mother, hard of hearing, has separated from her deaf husband because of their disagreement over their son’s cochlear implant surgery that can enable the little kid to hear. But the father tri ...
👔 Sound Editor
🎭 Sound Designer
Nahal is around thirty and in her fourth month of pregnancy. During a routine check-up she learns that her baby has died and she now faces a curettage abortion in two days’ time. When she tries ...
🎭 Sound Mixer
Chakameh, who has lost both her husband and child in a car accident, meets a guy who was recently released from prison. While she is under pressure from lawyers to compromise with the arrested dr ...
👔 Sound Effects Editor