Películas dramáticas de Hikaru Ijūin

Películas de Hikaru Ijūin filtradas por género

🎭 Store Manager
Hideki y Kana Tahara son una pareja de recién casados. Hideki está realmente emocionado por el futuro que le depara junto a Kana. Un día, una misteriosa persona visita la compañía en la que ...
🎭 Minister of the Right Abe (voice)
Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady. The mysterious young princess enthrals all who encounter her. ...
🎭 Tatsuo Noguchi
After Detective Shunsaku Aoshima is promoted to section chief he has the daunting task of dealing with eight cases at the same time, which includes a murder case, bomb threat, and a bus hijacking ...