Películas dramáticas de Hermien Dommisse

Películas de Hermien Dommisse filtradas por género

🎭 Miss Weatherbury
The acclaimed drama based on Dalene Matthee´s award-winning novel. "Fiela se Kind" (Fiela's Child) is the story of a white foundling boy that is raised by a brown family. But the childs life ch ...
🎭 Mrs. Viljoen
A dreaded sickness destroys Karen Viljoen life as rich man's wife. She is diagnosed as leprous. While Karen is in the Westford hospital with her sickness, her husband Otto finds solace with his s ...
🎭 Mrs. Hofmeyer
The picture explores the relationship between a poor widower and his 17-year-old daughter. She dreams of a matric farewell, the handsome boy in her class and a long, white dress. He secretly sell ...
🎭 Anna Volschenk