Películas de acción de Henry Yu Yang

Películas de Henry Yu Yang filtradas por género

🎭 Chan
The plot concentrates around John (Bruce Ly), a policeman who reforms violent police officers by teaching them martial arts, and a trigger happy cop, Houston, played by Majors. Predictably enough ...
🎭 Master Ly (as Bruce Ly)
A stomach churning potpourri of explosions, gunfire and army trucks ramming through grass and twig huts. The needle in a haystack plot seems to involve our protagonist rescuing his family from so ...
🎭 Hung Hsi-kuan, San Ta's Student
The anti-Ching patriots, under the guidance of Ho Kuang-han, have secretly set up their base in Canton, disguised as school masters. During a brutal Manchu attack, Lui manages to escape, and devo ...
🎭 Meng Tien-yai/Plum Flower
🎭 Brother Kin
Tras la Revolución China, un despiadado gánster que controla los negocios sucios en un pueblo de China, se dedica al contrabando de armas. Uno de los cargamentos es interceptado por una banda l ...
🎭 Cheung Da Gong
🎭 Zhao Ying-Hu
🎭 Yu Yang
Yuen Woo Ping, who would in time become one of the world's leading martial arts choreographers, blocked the fight scenes for this Kung Fu action extravaganza. A small Chinese town is being torn a ...