Filmografía de Helen Field como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Helen Field

🎭 Rosemary as a Child
(survived only 10 minutes) As young men, the squire (Marshall) and the village blacksmith (Walling) are in love with the same woman (Boardman), whom the blacksmith marries. This angers the squir ...
🎭 Jacquette McNabb
In Up and Going, based on Mix's own story, Arctic Trails, the star played a titled, polo playing Northwest Mounted Police officer. From an elderly woman, Tom learns that childhood girlfriend Jack ...
🎭 Carrie
Bart Carson is in love with Lou and even goes to jail to save Walter A. Walker, a man she says is her brother but who is really a husband who has deserted his wife and two children. ...
🎭 Gertie Franklin
Mary Franklin has a drunken father, an invalid mother, and a kid brother and sister to support. To make ends meet she is works as a hostess in a sleazy cafe, where she steals jewelry from her dan ...