Películas dramáticas de Haruo Kawashima

Películas de Haruo Kawashima filtradas por género

👔 Lighting Technician
👔 Lighting Director
👔 Lighting Director
👔 Lighting Director
👔 Lighting Technician
👔 Lighting Director
👔 Lighting Director
Junko miyashita (A Woman Called Sada ABE, Himatsuri), un ícono de las películas eróticas japonesas de los años 70, interpreta a una misteriosa autoestopista recogida por un bruto de un trabaj ...
👔 Lighting Technician
👔 Lighting Technician
👔 Lighting Technician
🎭 Lighting Technician
Ms. Yoshino, respectable lady and attractive widow, leads a quiet and peaceful life with her teenage daughter Takako. However, their lifes change radically when fate confronts both with the young ...
👔 Lighting Technician
👔 Lighting Director
🎭 Lighting Technician
A naive country girl runs away to the city and gets picked up by a kindly well dressed man. She soon finds that life can be cruel. ...
👔 Lighting Director
👔 Lighting Technician