Películas dramáticas de Hans Bendrik

Películas de Hans Bendrik filtradas por género

🎭 Rich Girl's Father
🎭 En kroggäst
🎭 Kollberg, kriminalare
🎭 Furir Svensson
Fashion-designer May Berg is driving alone one evening, when she almost run over a man lying in the street. She gets out of the car to see. Suddenly the man attacks her, trying to strangle her. T ...
🎭 Trafikledaren på flottiljen
Two pilots must fly together in spite of the strong dislike of each other. At a training mission the aircraft wrecks over open water and they have to save themselves by parachute. ...
🎭 Flottare
On a tourist trip abroad the passengers on the coach witness an assassination attempt on the President Hurkas. One of the tourists has evidence against the perpetrators, and is killed when the co ...
🎭 Läkaren
Staffan Stolle becomes the sole heir to a rich and noble family when he is just a little boy. Early on he is engaged to be married to a girl he finds he does not love. Instead he flees the countr ...