Películas dramáticas de Hannes Närhi

Películas de Hannes Närhi filtradas por género

🎭 Juha
Kuisma falls in love with the house maid Helinä, whom the house's slave Isma has kept for himself as a wife. Helinä finds Kuisma attractive but their love will never be accepted by Isma. A pass ...
🎭 Mikko
It is the year 1915, and five Finnish men ski to Sweden via the Gulf of Bothnia to get military training in Germany. Among the men are Martti and Kalpa from the 27th Army Ranger Battalion. In the ...
🎭 Jantukka
A couple move to an isolated house where – according to local legend – an ancient curse is rumoured to assail its inhabitants. Based on the novel by Väino Kataja (1914). ...