Telefilms de Halina Garus

Películas de Halina Garus filtradas por género

👔 First Assistant Director
🎭 First Assistant Director
A statue, fashioned in the guise of an anguished woman, is seen in a remote inn, having been recently interred from the ground. The occasion is a wedding attended by the protagonist, an unassumin ...
🎭 Assistant Director
In the nineteenth century, a young couple head to the countryside to spend the weekend together. On the train they encounter a mysterious Englishman heading for the same destination. Suspicious ...
🎭 Assistant Director
Count Olgierd Łabiński lives with his beloved wife in Paris in a beautiful palace. The Countess recalls her stay in Florence and her insistent admirer Octavius ​​de Saville. Soon, Octavius, ...