Películas históricas de Guy Coombs

Películas de Guy Coombs filtradas por género

🎭 General James Wolfe
General Wolfe, appointed commander of the expedition against Quebec, comes to bid his mother goodbye. Before sailing, the general calls upon his sweetheart, Katherine Lowther. She presents him wi ...
🎭 Lieutenant Yancey
During the Civil War, Elinor, a pretty Northern girl, comes south to visit her aunt-- Little does anyone suspect she works as a spy. Lieutenant Yancey, who's nearly engaged to the fetching and re ...
🎭 Capt. Hunt, C.S.A.
Anna Q. Nilsson is the title character, Agnes Lane, a daring spy for the South during the Civil War. She delivers an important message regarding an attack on a Yankee fort, then infiltrates the f ...