Comedias de Guus Verstraete jr.

Películas de Guus Verstraete jr. filtradas por género

🎭 Director
VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You ...
🎭 Director
Professor Archibald Chagrijn exposes the world to his blubbering gas, which makes people sad and causes them to cry. Bassie proves immune to the blubbering gas -- as he has had an overdose of lau ...
🎭 Director
Joep is a piano tuner, and not the best in his profession. His fiancee ends their relationship and Joep wants to end his life. Then he meets Dorien. They fall in love, but they must deal with som ...
🎭 Director
Bassie and Adriaan take a well-earned holiday but find themselves chased by two diamond thieves, referred to as B1 and B2. The crooks mistake Bassie for the go-between who came to collect the key ...
🎭 Director
Bassie and Adriaan find themselves abandoned by their own circus because they overslept, and with no tour-schedule in sight or any money they're forced to take other jobs -- losing each one. A ma ...