Películas de aventuras de Guus Verstraete jr.

Películas de Guus Verstraete jr. filtradas por género

🎭 Director
Professor Archibald Chagrijn exposes the world to his blubbering gas, which makes people sad and causes them to cry. Bassie proves immune to the blubbering gas -- as he has had an overdose of lau ...
🎭 Director
Bassie and Adriaan take a well-earned holiday but find themselves chased by two diamond thieves, referred to as B1 and B2. The crooks mistake Bassie for the go-between who came to collect the key ...
🎭 Director
Bassie and Adriaan find themselves abandoned by their own circus because they overslept, and with no tour-schedule in sight or any money they're forced to take other jobs -- losing each one. A ma ...