Películas dramáticas de Götz Heymann

Películas de Götz Heymann filtradas por género

👔 Production Design
👔 Production Design
Ulrich Muhe interpreta a un hombre de negocios alemán que ha nacido completamente sin escrúpulos. Esto le hace un candidato perfecto para tener éxito en los caóticos años posteriores a la I ...
👔 Production Design
🎭 Art Direction
In May of 1983, a man turns 49 and, with his 17-year old son, journeys to the village in Baden that he left 40 years before. He wants to discover what happened then, the truth about an affair his ...
🎭 Production Design
Germany 1939. Hans and Lene marry the day before the war breaks out, and Hans is sent to the Eastern front. During a bombing raid their daughter Anna is born. The house is destroyed and Lene and ...
👔 Production Design