Películas del Oeste / Westerns de Giuseppe Ferranti

Películas de Giuseppe Ferranti filtradas por género

🎭 Makeup Artist
This film is based on a true story of an Irish baby brought up by the Colorado Apaches. When a group of outlaws attack and destroy a wagon train, the only survivor gives birth to a baby, whom the ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
A bounty hunter named Arizona helps a group of beleaguered farmers in their fight against a large landowner named Austin Styles and his gang of outlaws. ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
The Holy Ghost is a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick, the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil ...
🎭 Makeup Artist
Johnny King, a rebellious drifter, sets out to avenge the death of his mentor and friend, Steve, after he has been murdered for his land by the Ward Brothers. After causing some trouble for the W ...