Películas históricas de Gijs Scholten van Aschat

Películas de Gijs Scholten van Aschat filtradas por género

🎭 Coriolanus / Agrippa
In Roman tragedies, Ivo van Hove and Jan Versweyveld have created a unique arena in which Shakespeare speaks about our time more than ever and the political game in all its facets. ...
🎭 Cardinal, Rivers
In Kings of War, director Ivo van Hove focuses on political leadership. The original texts were retranslated by Rob Klinkenberg and then thoroughly adapted: the Hundred Years' War between England ...
🎭 Willem Mengelberg
United States, 1926: Dutch 24-year-old Willy Wolters has immigrated to the American continent with her parents as a child. She dreams of becoming a conductor, but this is an ambition that no one ...