Comedias de Gertrude Kellar

Películas de Gertrude Kellar filtradas por género

🎭 Walton's Housekeeper
🎭 Lady Julia Blunt
A young New York society man makes a bet that he can rob a house and get away without being caught by the police. Things turn out to be not as easy as they seem. ...
🎭 Mrs. Jenkins (as Miss Kellar)
Two young clerks in a department store meet and fall in love during a seaside vacation in Maine, but part as strangers because, unknown to each other, both had been masquerading as upper-class 's ...
🎭 Chauffeur
Two young clerks in a department store meet and fall in love during a seaside vacation in Maine, but part as strangers because, unknown to each other, both had been masquerading as upper-class 's ...