Comedias de Gérard Sandoz

Películas de Gérard Sandoz filtradas por género

🎭 Police inspector
Michel, a psycho-analyst, falls asleep while listening to his patient Olga, a kleptomaniac and a sexual pervert, tell him how she likes her husband beating her. When he wakes up, he finds Olga ha ...
🎭 Thierry
Thierry drops out of school to apprentice as a lion tamer at the zoo where he meets Roselyne, who shares his passion. They fall in love and when he loses his job, the young lovers journey across ...
Vic tiene 13 años y es nueva en el instituto, pero pronto se hace amiga de Penélope. Las dos están ansiosas por encontrar un chico del que enamorarse; el problema es que los padres de Vic no l ...