Comedias de Genésio Arruda

Películas de Genésio Arruda filtradas por género

🎭 Coronel Policarpo
Simple and popular hillbilly Jeca is forced to get involved in politics, when the leaders of the region, competing to be elected mayor of the town, try to get his support. ...
It is the story of Pedro, who after being passed over by his brothers, wanders the world in search of a better life, but on the way, finds children who eventually conquer it, and in order to help ...
Zenó (Mazzaropi) is a poor gardener of a traditional school in São Paulo who falls in love with one of the local girls, much richer and younger than him. Willing to conquer her, he decides to g ...
🎭 Bentinho Samambaia
Two hillbillies and an Italian settler arrive in São Paulo. Naively, the three are tricked by a con man into believing they bought a tram. They end up without money, having to return to the coun ...