Filmografía de Gabriel Guevara como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Gabriel Guevara

🎭 Nick Leister
Noah must leave her city, boyfriend, and friends to move into William Leister's mansion, the flashy and wealthy husband of her mother Rafaela. As a proud and independent 17 year old, Noah resists ...
🎭 Charly (1991)
A family is on holiday in 1991 when their teenage daughter decides to elope with her boyfriend. Their parents travel forward in time to 2022 and see how much Spain has changed in three decades. ...
🎭 Manuel
Tras el divorcio, Alice lleva dos meses sin ver a sus hijos mientras espera la resolución judicial sobre la custodia. Cuando su hijo la llama en mitad de la noche, Alice toma medidas, secuestran ...