Comedias de Frederick S. Armitage

Películas de Frederick S. Armitage filtradas por género

🎭 Cinematography
In this short film, a white piece of wall bisects the screen; There are two different rooms on either side of the dividing line, but one hilarious payoff. ...
🎭 Director
The scene opens with a salesman displaying corsets to the buyer of a country store. He calls in a female model and tries a corset on her. While the buyer is looking at the figure, the salesman re ...
🎭 Director
A woman barber is putting the finishing touches on a customer, who is so pleased with the operation that he puts his arms around her and kisses her. As he does so, a big sign on the wall changes ...
🎭 Cinematography
A couple are making love beneath the window of a cranky old gentleman. There is a handsome window garden above them filled with plants and flowers. The old gentleman throws out a rope upon the lo ...
🎭 Director
The milk of human unkindness flows in this 1899 revenge comedy from the American Mutoscope & Biograph Company, in which a put-upon dairymaid throws off the chains of patriarchal and class oppress ...