Filmografía de Frédéric Gérard como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Frédéric Gérard

🎭 Amourdedieu
Marius vive en el Vieux-Port de Marsella, en el "Bar de la Marine" regentado por su padre, César. Marius solo sueña con embarcar en uno de los barcos que pasan delante suya y tomar rutas que le ...
🎭 Patry
A married woman, Anne Lambert has a child with her lover. But her lover becomes afraid and refuses to recognize the baby. Very invested in her career, Anne, an architect, decides to raise her chi ...
🎭 Un journaliste (uncredited)
After thirteen years in Germany, Fernand is coming back to his wife and his restaurant. But since his disparition, his wife as made her life with a norman chef, sympathetic but a specialist of bu ...