Comedias de Fred Tanner

Películas de Fred Tanner filtradas por género

🎭 Herr Völlmy - Leiter Amt für Notwohnungen
A poor family with 6 kids that live in a ramshackle hut are suddenly offered a nice flat for cheap - with the landlord hoping they'll drive away their new neighbors whom he wants out of his build ...
🎭 Knecht Sami
The further trials of the wealthy Emmentaler farming family Jowäger and their neighbors, adapted from the second volume of the 19th century novel by Jeremias Gotthelf (pen-name of Albert Bitzius ...
🎭 Knecht Sami
The trials of the wealthy Emmentaler farming family Jowäger, adapted from the 19th century novel of the same name by Jeremias Gotthelf (pen-name of Albert Bitzius), which was also published in t ...