Musicales de František Čížek

Películas de František Čížek filtradas por género

👔 Makeup Artist
Antonio Salieri es el músico más destacado de la corte del Emperador José II de Austria. Entregado completamente a la música, le promete a Dios humildad y castidad si, a cambio, conserva sus ...
🎭 Makeup & Hair
A trespassing gang of boys encounter a ghost in the ruins of a castle. When they rescue the ghost who is caught in a trapset, they become allies in a fight to prevent ruins from being turned into ...
🎭 Makeup & Hair
🎭 Makeup & Hair
Tram driver Marie has far too much to do after her shift is over. But she likes to do it all since she loves her husband Václav sincerely. One day she spots him on the Lesser Town Square in Prag ...
🎭 Makeup & Hair
Working on the hops fields gathering hops for beer, Filip catches a glimpse of fellow worker/comrade Hanka and falls for her. Trying to keep their love secret from the field owners,fellow worker ...