Películas familiares de Frank von Zerneck

Películas de Frank von Zerneck filtradas por género

🎭 Executive Producer
Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences. ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Al Shines, former king of the US race car track circuit, has a hard time starting his own team, once he's fired by his sponsor Robin Cates. Robin hired Al's immature daughter Kylie Shines instead ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Maggie Baker has a weight problem, and her high school classmates won't let her forget it. They shamelessly ridicule her, and even go so far as to nominate her for Homecoming Queen as a joke. Mag ...
🎭 Executive Producer
Ten years ago, Andrew married his childhood sweetheart, Beth. Now Andrew's a high-powered literary agent, but his relationship with his wife has not fared as well. When Beth is tragically killed ...
🎭 Producer
The story of the 1980 United States Olympic hockey players, a group of amateurs from around the country who were whipped into a cohesive unit by controversial coach Herb Brooks to win a gold meda ...