Comedias de Francesco Maria Dominedò

Películas de Francesco Maria Dominedò filtradas por género

🎭 Dominedò
🎭 Director
Take an irascible dwarf whose surname is Piccolo, with an easy trigger and an immoderate passion for Pupo and his songs. Then add an undercover policeman whose surname is Doll who doesn't even da ...
🎭 Screenplay
Take an irascible dwarf whose surname is Piccolo, with an easy trigger and an immoderate passion for Pupo and his songs. Then add an undercover policeman whose surname is Doll who doesn't even da ...
🎭 Di Giacchino
This movie depicts the two years that young Stendhal spent in Italy. Stendhal, that time still known simply as Henri Beyle, is living the life of a wanderer, looking for a direction in his life, ...
🎭 Collega #2 (segment "Vuoto a rendere")
🎭 El Mosca
Benito González is a flamboyant engineer in Melilla, with a brash and pushy personality. His dream is to build the tallest building ever in the region. After his girlfriend leaves him, he devote ...