Comedias de Fiona Sit

Películas de Fiona Sit filtradas por género

🎭 Service staff of Grande Hotel
Initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association and the Hong Kong Film Workers Association, ten film companies in Hong Kong (China Star, Anle Film, Emperor Films, Oriental Films, Media ...
🎭 Kimmy
After a drinking contest with some questionable local spirits, three friends wake naked on a beach to discover two are handcuffed to a locked suitcase, one has a strange new tattoo, and none of t ...
🎭 He Peipei / So So
🎭 Hak's Client
🎭 La Ma
Working as a prostitute since she was 16, Kam has witnessed the highs and lows of Hong Kong over the decades. Kamis now a “madam” who manages a stable of high-end prostitutes, entertaining a ...
🎭 Bo Bo Mo Yung
🎭 Quin Lau / Lau Sin-yee
🎭 Linda Sun / Suen Long Ching