Películas dramáticas de Eric Santos

Películas de Eric Santos filtradas por género

🎭 Alberto Lunga
Prosecuting Attorney David Lunga's success is overshadowed by the terrifying secrets of Rosa, a beautiful but mysterious woman with whom he falls in love. What mysteries does she hide? As the mac ...
🎭 António Jorge
Teresa finds out in Africa that her husband, Xavier, was lost in child prostitution. She flees to South Africa where she meets the maid's daughter, prostituted. It ends up getting the Mozambican ...
🎭 Homem Negro no Bar
Lisbon, today. In a room of a house at Douradores Street, a man invents dreams and theorizes about them. The essence of the dreams itself becomes physical, palpable, visible. The text itself mate ...
🎭 Álvaro Costa
En la entrada de una discoteca en Lisboa, dos chicos, Pedro y Rui, se besan apasionadamente. Pedro coge el coche de vuelta a casa y Rui entra en la discoteca donde trabaja. Minutos más tarde, Pe ...