Series sobre crímenes Enrique Videla

Series de Enrique Videla filtradas por género

👔 Writer
Vicente Ferragut, Tegui González, Oscar Salamanca y Mario Moreno son contratados para transportar un cargamento de droga, que deberán llevar por tierra desde la frontera de Bolivia hasta el pue ...
🎭 Writer
Political series based on the fight that broke out after the attack against Augusto Pinochet in 1986, when the dictatorship through its repressive apparatuses began to persecute and assassinate l ...
👔 Writer
Serie chilena inspirada (lejanamente) en el caso de La Manada. Blanca Ibarra, de 17 años, estudiante y líder de un movimiento feminista, desaparece en medio de una protesta organizada por un gr ...
🎭 Writer
Two young people from opposite social and political worlds will fight for a common cause: to clarify intricate and dangerous crimes of human rights violations during Pinochet's millitary dictator ...
🎭 Writer
The disappearance of dozens of teenage girls shakes Alto Hospicio community in northern Chile. The official version speaks of runaways from broken homes and an underworld of traffic, but the case ...
🎭 Writer
Sparks fly between an investigative journalist and a young escort with secrets as they investigate the hidden world of arms trafficking. ...
👔 Creator
Serie chilena inspirada (lejanamente) en el caso de La Manada. Blanca Ibarra, de 17 años, estudiante y líder de un movimiento feminista, desaparece en medio de una protesta organizada por un gr ...