Comedias de Emily Chichester

Películas de Emily Chichester filtradas por género

🎭 Marcia Hunter
Rosalie Wayne (Talmadge) meets Reginald Carter (Ford) after he introduces himself while chasing her dog with one of his oxfords, and she marries him in haste. Reggie comes down with the measles f ...
🎭 Alice Joy
She was a very modern young woman, was Miss Hobbs. Her ideas were about fifty years ahead of time. For one thing she hated men, thought them all brutes. But love has a way of smashing such an ide ...
🎭 Sally Smith
A young woman is so superstitious that she cannot make a move or a decision without the approval of the cards or the stars. Pursued romantically by two men, one virtuous, the other villainous, th ...
🎭 The Ingenue
Big Hearted Jim, the sheriff, loves the tomboyish Nugget Nell ( Dorothy Gish ), who runs a hash house in the mining country, but although she has romantic feelings, they are not aroused by Jim. N ...