Películas de acción de Emile Amro

Películas de Emile Amro filtradas por género

🎭 Persian Magus
During the Wu Zhou period, a popular dancer in Luoyang was unjustly beheaded and turned into an evil spirit, killing a series of people. Dee, the first detective in exile, is pardoned by Empress ...
🎭 A Tai
After Long Wei and his men finished their operation in Fuji, they received a distress message from his ex-wife, Leng Yun. Long Wei immediately rushes to Southeast Asia alone to look for his ex-wi ...
🎭 Leon's Man
Security expert Lu Zi Ming is hired to work at an oil and gas plant project bidding event. He is framed by several of the parties involved. In order to prove his innocence he must now devise the ...