Películas dramáticas de Ellen Athena Catsikeas

Películas de Ellen Athena Catsikeas filtradas por género

👔 Assistant Production Manager
Indaga en los esfuerzos que tuvo que realizar Nikola Tesla a la hora de presentar al mundo una revolución energética que cambiaría para siempre el curso de la humanidad. ...
🎭 Thanks
Maggie's plan to have a baby on her own with a sperm donor is derailed when she falls in love with John, an older married professor, destroying his volatile marriage to the brilliant and impossib ...
🎭 Location Manager
Emilia, a law-school graduate, falls in love with her married boss, Jack. After Emilia marries Jack, her happiness turns unexpectedly to grief following the death of her infant daughter. Devastat ...
🎭 Assistant Location Manager
A college graduate goes to work as a nanny for a rich New York family. Ensconced in their home, she has to juggle their dysfunction, a new romance, and the spoiled brat in her charge. ...