Filmografía de Ekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Ekaterina Korchagina-Aleksandrovskaya

🎭 Арина Васильевна
🎭 Домна Пантелеевна
🎭 factory director secretary
Comedy about brothers Vesnushkin, Sasha and Vasya, who are playing for one team in a National Soccer Competition. However, Sasha falls in love with a beautiful girl and loses his confidence just ...
🎭 Granny
A 1945 Soviet war film which, along with the second part of Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible was harshly criticized by Andrei Zhdanov and banned. A version of the film, released in 1956 during the ...
🎭 Mother Platonivichna
🎭 The Old Seer
🎭 Ulita (the housekeeper)
Film adaptation of The Golovlyov Family ("Господа Головлёвы), a classic novel by Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin. In the mid-19th century old-fashioned estate based on serfdom laws a ...