Películas dramáticas de Eizlan Yusof

Películas de Eizlan Yusof filtradas por género

🎭 Panglima TLDM
En la unidad naval PASKAL, parte de las fuerzas especiales de élite malayas, puede pasar de todo cuando uno de sus miembros ejecuta un secuestro. Basada en hechos reales. ...
This romantic drama film tells of a successful businessman living a silence. She then hired a young GRO woman to accompany her to her daily activities. However unaware they both fell in love with ...
Izzul and Alya marriage is full of happiness and blessed with a new born child. Everyone was excited until the month of Ramadan, a ruckus started when everyone was tired of taking care of the bab ...
🎭 Dr Khaleed
The Pilot Cafe is a love story about a beautiful, but erratic and depressed woman named Maya. She meets Ameer, a man who has only ever tarnished love. Everything changes after the two meet. Ameer ...
🎭 En. Akhirruddin Yaakob
🎭 Yuppie Hubby
🎭 Haikal
What happens when prey and predator are both trapped on a luxury cruise ship? Two gold digging girls, Bella and Intan, come face to face with three Datuks, three Datuk's wives, two Datuk's childr ...
🎭 Johari
Ayie is a young man currently studying in college. He is very much fond with racing cars. He is often invloved with illegal race car activities and spends most of his time with two of his best fr ...
🎭 Datuk Hisham Tan Sri Kamaruddin
Haikal is a producer who faces the loss of his Caucian wife, Linda after she gave birth to their child. He travels to East Coast Malaysia in search of his identity of being a Malay. As he arrive ...