Comedias de Dragan Vujić 'Vujke'

Películas de Dragan Vujić 'Vujke' filtradas por género

Stefan is a 40-year-old loser, although, thanks to his carefully built facade, he seems like an attractive city slicker. He lost his job, but also his wife, who threw him out of the apartment, an ...
🎭 Dorćolac
🎭 Major Krigermajster / Ruzvelt
Set in April of the turmoil that is the year 1941. The Germans have occupied Yugoslavia and its capital Belgrade. Adolf Hitler is again drawing the new borders of Europe. Remains of Belgrade are ...
🎭 Jovan, zet
In the family of Colonel Mitrovic, all three daughters are ready for marriage, but they have problems finding husbands. The icebreaker occurs when the youngest daughter marries a young assistant ...