Películas históricas de Дмитрий Назаров

Películas de Дмитрий Назаров filtradas por género

🎭 Balashov
Varlam decides to leave his home and life as a peasant in order to be with his beloved one. To get some money, he tries himself as a street fighter and is noticed by an Englishman and an avid gam ...
🎭 Semen Remezov
Ivan Demarin, a young officer of Peter the First’s new guards, follows the Tsar’s order and goes to the frontier town of Tobolsk, deep in the Siberian forest. There Ivan falls in love for the ...
The movie is based on real events. 1991 Boris Yeltsin, while at his dacha, learns that Gorbachev is blockaded in Foros ... According to the Soviet leadership, the State Committee for the State of ...
🎭 Dobrynya (voice)
The plot follows the events surrounding Vladimir from childhood and into adulthood. In the beginning of the film, being under the influence of the high priest Krivzha, the Prince is a young, impu ...