Películas dramáticas de Dino Tavarone

Películas de Dino Tavarone filtradas por género

🎭 Achille Corbo
Montreal, primavera de 1966. Jean Corbo tiene 16 años. Su madre es de Quebec y su padre es italiano, por lo que Jean se debate entre dos lealtades. Después de haber hecho amistad con dos jóven ...
🎭 Vito Pipingo
Marie leads a calm and happy life withe her boyfriend in a nice suburban neighborhood. After a night out in a bar with her colleagues, she wakes up dizzy, in a cab, with no memories of the night. ...
🎭 Ricci
Amid the low-rent neighborhoods of Montreal, the true nature of a career criminal is slowly unveiled. BenoÎt is a car thief perpetually running from the police, his family, his ex-lovers, and a ...
🎭 Carlos Marcello
The world is still reeling from the assassination of JFK - but has yet to lose his kid brother Bobby. In the midst of all this, a reluctant hero by the name of Lucien Rivard becomes enmeshed in a ...
Tunisian-born Myriam, a Sephardic beauty, lives in Montreal. Théo, her grad-student boyfriend, breaks up with her, and she's desolate. She house-sits for a friend for several weeks: during that ...