Películas románticas de Dimas Seto

Películas de Dimas Seto filtradas por género

🎭 Bang Sapta
Angga, a male student who rarely prays on time, falls in love with Ratih, a bright and religious young woman, who never expected a man like Angga to be able to steal her heart. ...
🎭 Udjo
Mr. Kimbul faces competition with Ms. Umi, two meatball stalls. They constantly competing with one another over crowds. Suddenly, a new meatball stall opens with a nice interior. Now they have to ...
🎭 Doni
Even though senior high schooler Ardi has been dating Desi, a radio announcer, for two years, they never kissed. Ardi doesn't want to - not wanting to confuse romance with lust. Desi, however, ye ...