Filmografía de Dilek Serbest como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Dilek Serbest

🎭 Yıldız Hanım
🎭 Anita
Can, accompanied by some of his friends, is on his way to a cursed region. The natives of the place believe that two hundred years ago, after the child of Satan had been slayed, the whole region ...
🎭 Gozde
Tuna is going through hard times due to the psychological illness he suffers from. He tries to cope with the problems he faces with the support of his best friend Berkin. Meanwhile, Tuna begins t ...
🎭 Era
After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete what he was destined to do: Conquer Constantin ...
🎭 Julie
A group of archeologists are determined to make digs on a ghost town to find an old book, ignoring that the town is cursed due to events occurred about seven hundred years ago. An evil spirit com ...
🎭 Lieutenant Chepa
Un vendedor de alfombras turco es abducido por unos extraterrestres y transportado al planeta G.O.R.A., donde una especie de meteorito está a punto de destruir el planeta. Allí conocerá a unos ...