Comedias de Dénes Ujlaky

Películas de Dénes Ujlaky filtradas por género

🎭 Számrazkezű
🎭 Sánta Lajos
This story has a horse-race fan main character who sells clothes-hangers On one trip, a young, teenager boy relative goes with him. They have a lot of adventures as they become friends. Girls, da ...
🎭 Worker
Insulted when his screenwriter wife writes a leading role for a younger man, aging Broadway idol Fitz Wynn disguises himself as a handsome young Italian. ...
🎭 Oszkár
Misu is spending his summer holiday in an old block of flats in Budapest. The caretaker of the house, Poldi, a park attendant by occupation, is going to retire in a few days and he is afraid to t ...