Películas dramáticas de David Blanchard

Películas de David Blanchard filtradas por género

🎭 Production Designer
Follows Hazel, who goes to spend the holidays in her home town, where a romance begins to bloom with a local contractor who has been helping her father with their family bakery, but some misunder ...
🎭 Art Direction
Moshe Amar is a once poet and now a "businessman" who left his wife with their new born in Israel twenty years ago and spent them in the land of limitless possibilities trying to leave a mark of ...
👔 Art Direction
Mike O'Connor y su hermana Kate se alojan en el faro de un pequeño pueblo pesquero. Cuando Art Stone entra en su vida, su personalidad camaleónica les cautiva. Para Mike se convierte en su mejo ...
🎭 Art Direction
An exchange student from Finland arrives in Kansas City. He is expecting to spend a year in the city, but ends up living on a farm in a small town. He falls in love with the sheriff’s daughter ...
👔 Set Decoration