Filmografía de David Askevold como actor

Películas protagonizadas por David Askevold

🎭 Self
"The performer is framed within the open window facing the camera one story above the street below. When a car, van or truck passes below, he asks, 'what color is that car?' An off-camera voice, ...
🎭 Self
"Holding a rubber band between my thumbs and forefingers, I strum it as fast as I can close to the microphone. The camera is static and runs until the S8 cartridge runs out. The sound is recorded ...
🎭 Self
"I strike the first pair of tuning forks on the edge of a table, raise and point them close to the microphone for their audible duration. they are placed in the middle of the frame in back of the ...
🎭 Self
"The static camera is placed in a room lit by an overhead controlled lighting system. Two flashlights are strapped to my ankles and the other to one wrist. I begin throwing the tree knives at 20 ...