Comedias de Danai Thiengdham

Películas de Danai Thiengdham filtradas por género

🎭 Tony
The story depicts two star-crossed lovers: Marcus Hanson, a Thai superstar, and Joey Hermosa, a Filipina baker. When Marcus decides to fly to Philippines to escape from his career, he meets Joey. ...
🎭 Cell Block Officer
The Hangover crew heads to Thailand for Stu's wedding. After the disaster of a bachelor party in Las Vegas last year, Stu is playing it safe with a mellow pre-wedding brunch. However, nothing goe ...
🎭 Assistant Director
Counting back 100 years, in October 1905, King Chulalongkorn announced the abolition of slavery. that same day 8 poor rural boys and girls who are slaves Therefore, it was sold to Jonson, an Engl ...