Comedias de Crystel Fournier

Películas de Crystel Fournier filtradas por género

🎭 Director of Photography
Anne is at a crossroads in her life. Long married to a successful, driven but inattentive movie producer, she unexpectedly finds herself taking a car trip from Cannes to Paris with Jacques, a bus ...
🎭 Director of Photography
40-year-old foreman Vital is chosen by Alix (25) as a guinea pig in the anonymous study she is carrying out in her father's factory. The boss's daughter soon finds herself falling under the spel ...
👔 Director of Photography
👔 Director of Photography
Bruno y Fréderic son los dos hermanos Saltim, de padre italiano y madre francesa. Bruno, el mayor, ocupa un cargo importante en el banco en que su hermano pequeño trabaja de director. Renuncia ...