Comedias de Clemens Schick

Películas de Clemens Schick filtradas por género

🎭 Tschick Macqueen
Cowboy has a vision. He wants to save the planet with his movement of Free Swingers. That's why he applies for a grant at The Central Agency, who then sends a representative named Fey of Sweden t ...
🎭 Elmar Löffelhart
🎭 Thomas
Senta and Thomas are dying to fall in love - just not with one another. Still, when two people - a hopeless romantic and a system analyst - meet, an unexpected amour fou ensues. ...
🎭 Hans
The 17-year-old Tom filled out a questionnaire for the Employment Agency at a vocational guidance office in his school. He falls in love with the trainee, which distributed the questionnaires. In ...