Películas románticas de Clara Pontoppidan

Películas de Clara Pontoppidan filtradas por género

🎭 The Princess of Illyria
The Princess of Illyria has spurned every suitor, when a gypsy loitering around the castle catches her eye. In actuality, he is the Prince of Denmark, there with his friend Kasper Røghat. The pr ...
🎭 Nina
Nina turns in a wanted criminal, Carl Weldon, to get the reward and save her ailing mother, who sadly expires before Nina has time to return. Visiting his father in jail, Weldon’s son Victor le ...
🎭 Edith von Felsen
On her way to her aunt's house, motherless young Edith is kidnapped by a white slave trader and put in a brothel. Luckily Mr. Faith, Edith's travel acquaintance, senses that something is wrong. ...