Películas del Oeste / Westerns de Clara Kimball Young

Películas de Clara Kimball Young filtradas por género

🎭 Mrs. Peters
The local school is causing Hoppy problems. First Bar 20 cattle are stolen when Hoppy investigates a problem there. Then the new teacher arrives and disrupts the routine of the Bar 20 hands. Late ...
🎭 Ma Hutchins
An evil deputy is using Indian half-breeds to rustle cattle. This causes trouble between the cattlemen and Indians. Hoppy, Windy and Lucky see that justice is served. Songs abound. ...
🎭 Aunt Peggy Lee
🎭 Rose Peters
An evil gang is involved in both cattle rustling and the robbing of stagecoaches. Hoppy must stop them without help from the sheriff who turns out be a major outlaw himself. ...