Comedias de Christian Ryltenius

Películas de Christian Ryltenius filtradas por género

🎭 Producer
Wille has always dreamed of becoming a superhero and fight crime alongside his father. This dream is shattered when Willes baby brother, Charlie, is born. Charlie gets all the attention, and on t ...
🎭 Director
The classic trio in the Bamse universe; Bamse, Lille Skutt och Skalman, is going on a thrilling adventure to the centre of the earth. Their mission is to save the explorer Beanka, who has mysteri ...
🎭 Director
In Bamse and the Witch’s daughter Croesus Vole finds gold in the beavers' dam. To demolish the dam and get the gold he tricks the witch's daughter Lova to enchant Bamse. With Bamse gone, it's u ...
🎭 Director
Sweden's most popular comic book character - the bear Bamse - will now get his first own feature film. In "Bamse and the city of thieves" the strongest bear in the world and his two friends Littl ...